Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Game of Golf

I play the game of golf, perhaps not very well these days, but I do still play. At my advanced age, golf is a very taxing game because it takes a lot of energy that I don't seem to have much of these days. My legs are pretty much shot and I don't feel well much of the time. I absolutely don't hit the ball very far these days. So why do I still play? Well, the answer is fairly simple. First of all, I play because I love the camaraderie of being with the kind of friends I choose for myself, but there are other reasons. It is said golf is a game for gentlemen. That is true; you will never find golfers fighting over the game, such as you might witness in a game of basketball or football. I have always found that golf is a game that defines the character of a man or a woman. Most people who play the game of golf are upstanding members of their community, people who often attend church and who offer help to others less fortunate. You will rarely find people playing golf who are outcast members of society.

Golf is a game where the player calls penalties on himself or herself, not rely on a judge, referee, or someone else to do it for them. I find that people who play golf are not cheaters. Yes, rarely a player will mistakenly lose track of a shot, especially when we grow older and our minds aren't as sharp as when we were younger, but it is not that common. Even then, a simple reminder from a playing partner will correct the mistake.

Golf is a very safe game. It would be extremely rare to read of a robbery on the golf course, or of a personal attack like a rape or mugging, let alone a murder. People who do those things are not golfers. And a caveat is that golf is a peaceful game that is played in a beautiful setting out in nature. 

By and large, golfers are an honorable group of individuals who never create chaos, but choose to conduct their lives in harmony with others.

One day I hope to write a book about this wonderful game.

I simply love this game we call golf.


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