Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Evolution of Elizabeth Grant

The Evolution of Elizabeth Grant
Paul R. Meredith
The following is a very brief synopsis of my newest story, an e-book on Amazon Kindle.

Imagine a six-year-old girl being taken from abusive parents and she and her three siblings placed in an orphanage.  What will become of her? It is not a pretty picture. But Young Teresa Harden endured and evolved from this rough start in life to a life beyond expectation for most people. Once adopted by loving parents, her life takes on challenges that most of us will never face. Her life as a young woman introduces her to life-changing events that caused her to live a secret and often shameful life for the middle years of her existence. Then after a happenstance meeting with a very special man, she feels she has to change her name and run away to save him. Years later after Elizabeth Grant is found by that special man, her life begins the evolution into a deep love and a life filled with treasures even she could hardly believe.
Here is the Amazon link to my book: