The Vigilante Series
Paul R. Meredith
My Vigilante series of crime novels consists of four stories. While each is a standalone story on its own merit, it is more gratifying if they are read in the sequence in which they were written. Here is the proper sequence:
The Vigilante God
The Rise of the Vigilante Goddess
The Return of the Vigilante Goddess
The Copycat Vigilantes
The series begins: The accidental hunting death of his eight-year-old son caused attorney Paul Dixon to go off on a wild tangent, costing him his marriage, his law career, and much, much more. He quit his position at the law firm where he was employed and left town after his divorce was final. He went into seclusion, changed his identity to Sam Little, and carefully conceived a plan to seek out the family members of those victims whose loved ones had suffered violence at the hands of the criminals in our society, criminals who had not received the full benefit of the justice system due to technicalities, loopholes in the law, crooked police, crooked judges, or slick-talking lawyers. Dixon's plans would be financed by those family members who felt they were cheated of justice by the criminal justice system, and the custom plans would be carried out by Sam Little's few very carefully selected hand-chosen associates.
Each of the stories will feed into the next one until the conclusion of the series with The Copycat Vigilantes.
The stories are all available at:
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