As a young girl living in a Kentucky coal-mining town, life was pretty stark for Geraldine Finch. When her loving father died and her mother remarried for household financial stability, the new stepfather decided he could rape the young girl and get by with it. Her mother appeared to disbelieve Geri when she finally told her, so at the very young age of sixteen she decided she could take no more of the abuse and she ran away from home.
It was Geraldine’s good fortune to be picked up on the highway by a woman who took her under her wing and helped her through a tumultuous period in her early life, especially after learning later the young girl had been impregnated by the stepfather. This woman, Millie Carson, would become Geri’s lifelong best friend.From that rather auspicious beginning to working her way to adulthood, this young girl weaved her way from her poor Kentucky beginnings to Los Angeles where she found work as a waitress, which turned out to be the path she would follow to a more important position as a server in an upscale dinner club position. Here is where she met two important movie executives dining out with their wives.
Geri, as she preferred to be called, was asked to read a part of a script by one of the men she served that evening. From that fortuitous moment to becoming a major Hollywood star was a complicated path that involved a number of very lucky breaks, including having great friends, intimate relationships, marriages, foreign travel, unfortunate deaths, and eventually retirement from her movie career.
Geri eventually feels the pangs of guilt when she learns her hated stepfather has died. She feels the need to finally heal the rift with her mother, an un-degreed school teacher who is about to reach retirement age. After many years of estrangement, Geri returns to visit her mother back home in Kentucky. She ultimately moves her mother to California to live with her.
In retirement Geri found life to be very boring. Her substantial wealth from the movies and one very lucrative marriage, plus the meeting of one very special doctor, set Geri on the path she would pursue the remainder of her life.
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