Saturday, April 25, 2015

Jessie's Passion Dream

Jessie's Passion Dream is a romance novel I wrote during the past year. I wrote the story because it had character elements of two people I once knew and admired several years ago. I blended the two characters into one story, but it is a really good story. Here is a brief synopsis:
Morgan Chase, a mystery woman with a past, captures the attention of Detective Dan Reynolds when she becomes the sole witness to a brutal slaying. As the investigation progresses, more and more details of Morgan's life emerges. Dan , who had previously lost the love of his life to death from cancer, realizes he is slowly falling in love with the mystery woman. Then an unexpected turn of events causes Dan to place his feelings for Morgan on the back burner. He falls back into his work, but with no real focus on where his life is headed. Dan decides he needs a vacation so he can focus on his future. Working with a travel agent, Dan takes the well deserved vacation and heads off to the sandy, world-famous beaches of the Daytona Beach, Florida area. While there enjoying his vacation, he receives a telephone call from his travel agent that changes his life dramatically. The travel agent, Jessie White, will be a woman who will be the reason Dan starts to focus his life in a totally new direction.

This story begins as a thriller, but as events unfold, the story makes the transition to a full-blown romance novel with an ending nobody could predict.

As I reread this story from beginning to end one last time before releasing it for publication, it dawned on me that this story had everything a really good story needed. It had intrigue, mystery, death, crime, passion, deceit, and above everything else, it contained a passionate love story. The story will make the reader smile, cry, laugh, and then cry again as it weaves its way to the final line of the last paragraph. This is not a standard kind of romance novel; this is a must-read kind of story.

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