Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sadness at Christmas

This is the time of year when I think most of my loved ones who have gone on to their final glory. The most recent of my family members who have departed for Heaven is my daughter Kris. She left us October 27th, 2013. While it has been well over a year now, her loss still stings, especially at this time of the year. Though she is gone, she still lives in my heart and I know she always will. I miss so many of the wonderful qualities she had, the best of which was to see only the good qualities in every person she met, rather than the other less desirable qualities. Kris was such a positive person, even as it related to her health. Right down to the very end of her life she saw the chance that her treatments would succeed in chasing the cancer from her body. She wanted to live so badly so she could continue teaching her college students the correct English she knew they would need to succeed in the world. Of course Kris was a realist; she knew towards the end that her life would not be spared, so she faced that final realization with great strength and undeniable dignity. I never knew anyone to die with more courage and dignity than my beautiful daughter. She told several of her family members at the end that she accepted her fate and was at peace with it. When she told me, I knew without any doubt that she meant every word of it. Her battle on earth was over.

I can almost see her now holding her English classes in Heaven teaching the angels about their use of prepositional phrases and how to eliminate those dangling participles. I can see her smiling as she teaches without any physical pain. I can see her up there, finally completely happy in her element. That is how I want to remember my beautiful daughter, Kristine Elaine Meredith.